High quality TV shows, blogging, and instant messaging. All in one program... For Free.
By: Stephen Weber
Joost.com just might be the best invention since the light bulb. It offers users access to high-quality TV shows, such as "Aqua Teen Hunger Force," and allows them to blog and chat with their friends, all at the same time. The best part? It is free because it is another ad-supported site in which part of the income from ads goes to the participating media companies. In addition, users do not have to worry about updating a membership every 30 days or so. Unfortunately, this means the TV shows are "read-only," or more simply put, users can watch but they can not download. Another nice feature is users can make their own "channel." They can choose only the TV shows and/or episodes wanted, and then play them on demand.
"So that sounds great but can run it on my computer?" one might ask.
Joost for Windows requires a fairly new computer with good graphics capabilities and a fast processor, as well as a broadband Internet connection.
Joost for Mac requires "Any Intel-based Mac running OS X 10.4, 512 MB or more RAM and about 500 MB free disk space (The Joost software is a 15 MB download, expanding to 35-40 MB on disk. The remainder is used as a cache)," according to the website. Other requirements may apply and can be found n full by visiting: http://www.joost.com/download/macosx/systemrequrements.html
All in all, Joost is a great application, for those who can run it. The ability to watch TV, blog, and IM with friends at one time, in one application is simply amazing. Joost easily receives five stars.